Lē’ahi Soccer Club Hawai’i

“To provide an environment of care and respect that challenges our players to be outstanding people and soccer players who are creative problem solvers with strong character and a commitment to excellence – on and off the field.”

In the late 1970’s, our first women’s team practiced at the base of Diamond Head at Kapi’olani Park. They used to scrimmage against some friends who had a men’s team called Diamond Head. When it came time to name their team, the women decided on Leahi – the Hawaiian name for Diamond Head. In 1980, our youth program was founded by Ahmad Saidin and our first Leahi SC Board of Directors.
The club colors are blue and green. Blue represents the sky and ocean and green represents the earth. The maile leaf is prominently featured in our logo because in old Hawaii, maile was the lei of royalty, as it was favored by the Ali’i. The maile lei was a symbol of respect, peace, unity and honor. It is not a coincidence that the maile is screened on our uniforms, right across the hearts of our players.

The Leahi Soccer Club (LSC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1980 to promote girls’ and women’s soccer in the state of Hawaii. In 2020, as the club celebrates its 40th anniversary, we are proud to launch our boys division and will debut with 14 teams this fall! We currently have 17 active teams in our girls division, along with 3 women’s teams that participate in the MISO-W and WISA leagues. Over the years, Leahi has enjoyed tremendous success as one of the premier clubs in Hawaii and we have consistently sent teams to many prestigious tournaments on the mainland (USYS Far West Regionals, Las Vegas College Showcase, Surf Cup, The Texas Shootout and The USA Cup). Leahi has placed more players in collegiate programs across the country than any other club in Hawaii; many of them are Division I and Division II scholarship recipients. We are proud of the fact that our players have been honored for their achievements locally, regionally and nationally.

One of the biggest strengths of Leahi Soccer Club is that we have built a network of people who are dedicated to supporting one another in an environment of care and respect. We are very active in community service, volunteering with The Special Olympics, American Lung Association and The Great Aloha Run. Many of our coaches are former collegiate and professional athletes who have played the game at the highest levels. Our club coaches are licensed by US Youth Soccer and many have lived the dreams our young players have today and are excellent role models for them. Leahi cares about the development of the person, not just the soccer player. Ironically, despite all the success we’ve had, we do not charge excessive fees – we are one of the most affordable clubs in Hawaii!

We strive to have balance in our lives, working and playing hard to increase our quality of life. We understand that a solid base of integrity, compassion and work ethic helps our players to become impact members of their community. Leahi stresses fundamentals and basic skills, knowing that creating age-appropriate, challenging environments in training is how children grow and develop. Most importantly, we want this experience to be fun and rewarding for our players on many different levels. Our coaches understand that their main job is to teach, guide and nurture a love for the game and we do this by making training sessions game realistic – because the game is fun and the game is the best teacher!
President | Hilary Okumura |
Vice President | Kelsey Baker |
Secretary | Belle Murashige |
Treasurer, Registrar, Oahu League Rep. | Scott Keopuhiwa |
Technical Director | Michele Nagamine |
Registration is open for players age 7-19. Sign up now!
Interested in coaching with Leahi? We’re always looking for great coaches and mentors to develop our players.
Is your team looking for a new home? Leahi is open to partnerships with teams and clubs that share our philosophy.